SoFeng Design has won the Judges' Favorite Works of The 6th Shanghai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design 2022 Biennale
SoFeng Design丨如視设计海报作品荣获2022第六届上海亚洲平面设计双年展评委最喜欢的作品

A total of 300 poster works by 218 designers were selected for this biennale, and the jury selected 24 of them as the judges' favorite works.
- Award Project -
- 获奖作品 -

- Award Certificate -
- 获奖证书 -

关于大赛丨About Competition
ShangHai Biennial of Asia Graphic Design
Shanghai Asia Graphic Design Biennale was founded in 2011 and has been successfully held for five sessions. Shanghai Asia Graphic Design Biennale is not only a competition, but also an empowering platform to showcase China's emerging design forces and gather global excellent design and design education resources.
上海亚洲平面设计双年展创立于2011年,已成功举办五届。上海亚洲平面设计双年展不仅是一个比赛, 也是展示中国新生设计力量,集合全球优秀设计和设计教育资源的赋能平台。