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The 10th International Triennial of Stage Poster - Sofia 2022|Selected

SoFeng Design Selected in The 10th International Triennial of Stage Poster - Sofia 2022

SoFeng Design丨如視设计海报作品入选2022 保加利亚第10届索菲亚国际舞台戏剧海报三年展


The International Triennial of Stage Poster - Sofia has been held for the ninth time since 1992. The International Triennial of Stage Poster - Sofia will be held in November 2022 at the National Modern Art Exhibition Center in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.




- Award Project -

- 获奖作品 -

《The Inspiration of The East and The West International Art Exhibition 2021》

《Jan Rajlich 100》


- Award Certificate -

- 获奖证书 -


关于大赛丨About Competition

International Triennial of Stage Poster - Sofia



The International Triennial of Stage Poster - Sofia is a municipal cultural project in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Its purpose is to showcase excellent and classic event posters from artists and designers from all over the world related to contemporary theater or experimental performing arts. The International Triennial of Stage Poster - Sofia and International Biennale of Theatre Posters Rzeszow in Poland are both important international theater poster exhibitions. The International Triennial of Stage Poster - Sofia has been held for the ninth time since 1992.

索菲亚国际戏剧海报三年展是保加利亚首都索菲亚的市政文化项目,其目的是展示来自世界各地艺术家和设计师有关当代戏剧或实验性的表演艺术相关的优秀及经典活动宣传海报。索菲亚国际戏剧海报展与波兰热舒夫国际戏剧海报双年展同为国际中重要的戏剧海报展览,索菲亚国际戏剧海报三年自 1992 年至今,已举办第 9 届。


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