SoFeng Design won the Bronze Award of the HKDA Global Design Awards 2021
SoFeng Design丨如視设计海报作品荣获2021香港环球设计大奖丨铜奖

This year's HKDA Global Design Awards received a total of 476 entries were awarded. The 10 projects in the poster category were awarded. Among them, Silver Award x2, Bronze Award x4, and Excellence Award x4.
本届环球设计奖共收到476件参赛作品获奖,其中海报类10件作品获奖, 其中银奖x2,铜奖x4,优异奖x4。
- Award Project -
- 获奖作品 -

- Award Certificate -
- 获奖证书 -

关于大赛丨About Competition
HKDA Global Design Awards
Established in 1972, the Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA) is the first of its kind in Hong Kong for practicing designers and design administrators, with aims to uphold the status of design practitioners and to encourage the use and the appreciation of quality design in the community.
The HKDA Awards has been one of the most established cross-disciplinary design competitions in the Asia-Pacific region organised by HKDA since 1975. To embrace the development of the design industry and the best designs worldwide, HKDA Awards was revamped to become HKDA Global Design Awards (HKDA GDA) in 2011 and welcome entries from all over the world. It is not simply a design competition to honour global design excellence, but also acts as an engine to energise a series of events as a yearlong campaign that aims to promote Hong Kong designs internationally and to enhance Hong Kong as one of the major creative hubs in Asia-Pacific.
自1975年创办第一届比赛以来,「香港设计师协会奖」逐渐成为亚太区其中一个最具规模的跨设计界别比赛。为支持设计工业的蓬勃发展及表扬全球各国的卓越设计,更于2011年首次接受亚太区以外其他国家的参赛作品,从而迈向国际化,并正式更名为「香港环球设计大奖」(HKDA GDA)。