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Core77 Design Awards 2020丨Notable Award

SoFeng Design won the Notable Award of the Core77 Design Award 2020

SoFeng Design丨如視设计包装作品荣获2020美国Core77设计奖包装类丨优异奖


- Award Project -

- 获奖作品 -

- The Meaninghall Tea -

- 含庭碧螺春红茶包装-


关于大赛丨About Competition

Core77 Design Award



Core77 Design Award Founded in 1995, it is the most authoritative industrial design website in the United States, focusing on sharing global industrial design industry information. From industrial design works, papers, to industrial design news and latest trends, the amount of information is huge, and there are industrial design fans from all over the world. The Core77 Design Awards established by it is also one of the top design awards in the United States.

Core77创建于1995年,是美国最权威的工业设计网站,专注分享全球工业设计行业资讯。从工业设计作品、论文,到工业设计类新闻及最新动向,信息量十分庞大,并且拥有来自全球各地的工业设计粉丝。而其设立的奖项 Core77 Design Awards 也是全美最顶级的设计大奖之一。


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