SoFeng Design丨如視设计海报作品入选2022字汇-中丹两国文字排版海报设计展
SoFeng Design Selected in The China & Denmark typography Poster Exhibition 2022

The judging Committee composed of 8 internationally renowned designers selected 96 works for this exhibition.
- Selected List -
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- Award Project -
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- 获奖证书 -

关于大赛丨About Competition
China & Denmark Typography Poster Exhibition
The "China & Denmark Typography Poster Exhibition" was jointly initiated by Chinese curator Xu Li and Danish art director Rick Hansen, aiming to explore new ways of typography, poster visual expression and information transmission. The exhibition will present more than 100 pieces of works by designers from China and Denmark, which are finally selected, to show the rich and colorful formal language of contemporary design, and to deeply explore the infinite possibilities of Chinese characters and Western language arrangement.