SoFeng Design丨如視设计海报作品入选2021第13届日本富山国际海报三年展
SoFeng Design Selected in The 13th International Poster Triennial in Toyama 2021
331 posters from 232 designers around the world were selected for the A catalogue of this exhibition.
Award Project -
- 入选作品 -
- Award Certificate -
- 入选证书 -
- The Catalogue -
- 作品集 -
关于大赛丨About Competition
International Poster Triennial in Toyama
The International Poster Triennial in Toyama was founded in 1985 and is hosted by the Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design. It is held every three years. The International Poster Triennial in Toyama has been held for 12 consecutive sessions.