SoFeng Design丨如視设计海报作品入选2021第11届乌克兰国际生态海报三年展
SoFeng Design Selected in 2021 The 11th International Eco-poster Triennial “The 4th Block”
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International Eco-poster Triennial “The 4th Block”
乌克兰“4TH BLOCK”生态国际海报三年展始于1988年,由乌克兰平面设计师协会主办,至今已经成功举办了10届,与“斯洛伐克生态海报三年展”并列为世界两大生态主题海报展。
The International Eco-poster Triennial “The 4th Block” in Ukraine started in 1988 and is hosted by the Ukrainian Graphic Designers Association. It has been successfully held for 10 times. It is listed as the world's two largest ecological themed poster exhibitions alongside the "EKOPLAGÁT the International Posters on nature and Environment".