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SoFeng Design丨如視设计两件海报作品入选2020第15届斯洛伐克日利纳国际生态海报三年展

SoFeng Design Selected in The 15th triennial EKOPLAGÁT International Posters on nature and Environment 2020



217 posters and 106 autors and one international organization proceed to the next exhibition.


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关于大赛丨About the Competition


EKOPLAGÁT the International Posters on nature and Environment


斯洛伐克日利纳国际生态海报三年展创办于1978年,由斯洛伐克共和国国家自然保护协会主办、斯洛伐克共和国生态环境部承办,是全球最早的以环保为主题的海报展之一,每三年举办一届,迄今已举办15届。日利纳国际生态海报三年展与“乌克兰‘4TH BLOCK’国际生态海报三年展”并列世界两大生态海报展。

The EKOPLAGÁT the International Posters on nature and Environment was founded in 1978, sponsored by the National Association for Conservation of Nature of the Slovak Republic and organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the Slovak Republic. It is one of the earliest poster exhibitions with the theme of environmental protection in the world. It is held every three years and has been held 15 times so far. Zilina International Ecological Poster Triennial and "4TH Block" International Ecological Poster Triennial in Ukraine "are the two major ecological poster exhibitions in the world.


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