SoFeng Design丨如視设计海报作品荣获2017第63届纽约字体指导俱乐部奖(NY TDC)丨卓越奖
SoFeng Design won the Excellent Award of The Type Directors Club 63th annual international competition
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关于大赛丨About Competition
纽约字体指导俱乐部(NY TDC)
Type Directors Club Annual International Competition
纽约字体指导俱乐部(NY TDC)成立于1946年,其得奖作品展是在业界享有盛誉、专业度极高的年度活动。纽约TDC字体设计竞赛是全世界第一个以字体设计为主的竞赛,也是全世界最重要的平面设计竞赛之一,每年吸引平面设计师、美术导演,编辑、多媒体专业、学生、企业家参与其中。
The New York Type Director Club (NY TDC) was established in 1946. Its award-winning works exhibition is an annual event with a high reputation in the industry. The Type Directors Club Annual International Competition in New York is the world's first type design competition and one of the most important graphic design competitions in the world. It attracts graphic designers, art directors, editors, multimedia professionals, students, and entrepreneurs every year. among them.