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The 11th China Embroidery Art Festival 2018

The 11th China Embroidery Art Festival"Discuss Innovation, Foresee the Future" An International Forum about Chinese Embroidery Industrializa.



On April 18th, “Fragrance China” China Intangible Cultural Heritage Costumes Show Series sponsored by the Splendid China Series Events Organizing Committee, the China Arts and Crafts Association, the China Culture Industry Association, and the Suzhou Municipal People’s Government "The Embroidery of the United States is high and new." The Eleventh China Embroidery Culture and Arts Festival was grandly opened at the Culture and Sports Center of Suzhou High-tech Zone.


This time, “Together for Innovation, Seeing the Future” International Theme Forum was designed by SoFeng Design and invited many famous designers from Hong Kong and Europe: Kan Taikueng (Hong Kong, China) / Finn Nygaard (Denmark) / Sabina Oberholzer & Renato Tagli (Switzerland) served as a guest speaker for this forum.

With a vision of innovation and internationalization, they in-depth explored topics such as the source of inspiration, creative ideas, color reorganization, multi-art interaction, and heritage of traditional handicrafts, and tried to innovate for Suzhou embroidery through the collision of various design concepts. Its future development offers new possibilities.

本次“共话创新,看见未来”国际主题论坛由如視设计策划,邀请到来自香港及欧洲的多名知名设计师:靳埭强(中国香港)、Finn Nygaard(丹麦)、Sabina Oberholzer&Renato Tagli(瑞士)为本次论坛担任演讲嘉宾。他们以创新和国际化的视野,深入探讨了苏绣的灵感来源、创作思路、彩色重组、多重艺术的互动以及传统手工艺的传承等话题,并试图通过多种设计概念的碰撞,为苏绣的创新及其未 来的发展提供新的可能性。

This is the first international design forum held since the Embroidery Festival was held. The forum was packed and the audience was enthusiastic.



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