Jun 7, 2023The Co-founder of SoFeng Design was Invited to Create on-site at Design Shanghai 2023Lu Jiayi, the Co- funder of SoFeng Design was Invited by the Italian high-end cabinet brand Scavolini , to design a series of cabinets...
Sep 25, 2021《2021万象之镜国际艺术展》荣获2021第六届“江南十大创意策划案例”SoFeng Design丨如視设计创始人沙锋策展的《2021万象之镜国际艺术展》 荣获2021第六届“江南十大创意策划案例” 本届双十评选活动由中共苏州市委宣传部、苏州市文化广电和旅游局、苏州市人力资源和社会保障局、苏州市科学技术协会、江苏省广告协会策划专业委员会五家单位...
Jul 13, 2021Invited to be the Jury of the 2021 6th International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories CyprusSha Feng, Founder of SoFeng Design Invited to be the international jury of the 2021 6th International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories...
Jan 11, 20212020年“江苏省紫金文化人才培养工程”文创优青丨入选SoFeng Design丨如視设计创始人沙锋 入选2020年“江苏省紫金文化人才培养工程”文创优青 为贯彻落实《省委办公厅、省政府办公厅关于印发<江苏文化人才高质量发展三年行动计划>的通知》(苏办发〔2018〕43号)要求,更大力度发现、培育、集聚优秀文化人才,在全省社科...
Dec 27, 2020SoFeng Design创始人沙锋受邀出席2020“中国制造之美”年度评选颁奖典礼SoFeng Design丨如視设计创始人沙锋 作为颁奖嘉宾受邀出席2020“中国制造之美”年度评选颁奖典礼 12月28日,由中国制造网主办的2020中国制造之美年度评选颁奖典礼在南京绿地紫峰洲际酒店隆重举行。获奖企业代表,江苏、浙江、上海、安徽、广东、福建、重庆、山东等省...
Feb 21, 2020Invited to be the international Judge of the 2020 9th Posterheroes Social Communication ContestSha Feng, Founder of SoFeng Design Invited to be the international judge of the 2020 9th Posterheroes Social Communication Contest in...